Long time, no blog. This past week was MADNESS. The holidays are always a super busy time for us and when you add a nearly 4 month old into the mix it just turns into complete chaos. We learned a lot this past week. Some of the big lessons include the fact that Mason STILL hates the car (we drove a lot), doesn't do well with commotion/loud people/lots of people, and Mason does not adapt to a change in his routine well. I guess I will give the kid a break because he is only 4 months old but it definitely made for a tiring week.
I will try to post lots of pictures of Mason's first Christmas soon - and there are a lot since Paul got me a new camera, PAUL GOT ME A NEW CAMERA!! Now I just have to wait for him to re-install my Photoshop so I can make the photos look all purdy and worthy of your eyes.
I certainly hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, it is hard to believe that a year ago yesterday I peed on a stick and now I have a baby! A Christmas-ham-of-a-baby. Look for another blog hopefully soon!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Q & A
I cannot believe how close it is getting to Christmas already! Mason and I have been so busy getting every one's gifts ready. I did want to answer some of the questions I received from the last post before everything gets too crazy:
What do you do to try to calm him down in the car? Music? Rattles? Would love to hear more about that in a future post.
What haven't I tried? I have my iPod loaded with Rockabye Baby lullabies, I have sat in the backseat with him (obviously not while driving), hung Jacques the Peacock where he can see him, sang to him, adjusted the straps on his car seat...EVERYTHING. The only thing that ever seems to calm him down is to blast static from the radio. It is annoying to listen to, but I would rather listen to that than his blood curdling screams. Oh, and the kid HATES pacifiers so that won't even help!
I have come to the conclusion that he hates his car seat for two reasons: he cannot move his arms out to the side AND he knows that the car makes him go to sleep and that upsets him. We are keeping our fingers and toes crossed for the day that he actually ENJOYS getting in the car and going somewhere. For now, we are hermits.
Is that a bundle me? Do you like it?
Yes, it is a JJ Cole Bundle me. I absolutely love it because I didn't have to buy a big old snowsuit for him, and I don't have to put on layer after layer before we go anywhere. I usually just dress him appropriately for the weather that day and put a hat and mittens on him and go! I love that it zips all the way down the sides and the flap can be removed if it is a warmer day.
What do you do to try to calm him down in the car? Music? Rattles? Would love to hear more about that in a future post.
What haven't I tried? I have my iPod loaded with Rockabye Baby lullabies, I have sat in the backseat with him (obviously not while driving), hung Jacques the Peacock where he can see him, sang to him, adjusted the straps on his car seat...EVERYTHING. The only thing that ever seems to calm him down is to blast static from the radio. It is annoying to listen to, but I would rather listen to that than his blood curdling screams. Oh, and the kid HATES pacifiers so that won't even help!
I have come to the conclusion that he hates his car seat for two reasons: he cannot move his arms out to the side AND he knows that the car makes him go to sleep and that upsets him. We are keeping our fingers and toes crossed for the day that he actually ENJOYS getting in the car and going somewhere. For now, we are hermits.
Is that a bundle me? Do you like it?
Yes, it is a JJ Cole Bundle me. I absolutely love it because I didn't have to buy a big old snowsuit for him, and I don't have to put on layer after layer before we go anywhere. I usually just dress him appropriately for the weather that day and put a hat and mittens on him and go! I love that it zips all the way down the sides and the flap can be removed if it is a warmer day.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
But Mo-om!
I look STUPID!!
Ahhh yes. The joys of the car seat. He still hates it, but is doing a smidge better once he is in the car. I have a mirror hanging on the back seat so I can see him and he usually has a really pissed off look on his face the entire car ride. THAT is something I need to take a picture of. Hilarious.
He can do whatever the hell he wants in the car as long as he keeps up his nighttime sleeping routine. Dare I say it? Fine. He sleeps through the night!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Crusty the Clown Baby
Mason is currently recovering from cold number two. That's right, two colds in 3 months. Hopefully the kid is working on strengthening his little immune system. Of course colds always equal waking up every two hours SCREAMING your head off for at least one night (only one night thank Jeebus)...followed by a night of 10 hours and 45 minutes of blissful uninterrupted sleeping. For Mason. Because mommy was up to pee once after 3 hours and up again after another 5 hours to make sure the baby was still alive.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Um, thanks.
I am going to complain a little here. Surprise, surprise. Why do people constantly feel the need to comment on your parenting skills? Of course I knew this would happen since it was present during pregnancy as well (the comments, I mean). I cannot recall ever mentioning anything about perfect stranger's parenting skills to their face before in my entire life. Maybe it is something that people feel entitled to once they have raised/are raising children? I don't know.
For example, at the grocery store the other day a lady in the checkout line commented on "how proud she was of me that I put mittens on my baby". I know she was trying to be nice and all, but really? You're proud of me? You don't even know me. I could have lined those mittens with razor blades or doused them in whisky before I left my house. (I would NEVER do either, BTW, so move your hand away from the mouse and the 'comment' button and get a hold of yourself.)
Then, THEN, on the way out of the grocery store, an older gentleman tells me that I should have put the baby carrier in a cart and pushed him around instead of carrying him. I politely told him, "Eh, just picking up some gift cards, no need! Plus it builds my muscles this way! (har har)". He responded with, "It doesn't build muscles, it just makes you tired". Dude, let it go. As if waking up at 5am to feed my baby doesn't make me tired enough.
For example, at the grocery store the other day a lady in the checkout line commented on "how proud she was of me that I put mittens on my baby". I know she was trying to be nice and all, but really? You're proud of me? You don't even know me. I could have lined those mittens with razor blades or doused them in whisky before I left my house. (I would NEVER do either, BTW, so move your hand away from the mouse and the 'comment' button and get a hold of yourself.)
Then, THEN, on the way out of the grocery store, an older gentleman tells me that I should have put the baby carrier in a cart and pushed him around instead of carrying him. I politely told him, "Eh, just picking up some gift cards, no need! Plus it builds my muscles this way! (har har)". He responded with, "It doesn't build muscles, it just makes you tired". Dude, let it go. As if waking up at 5am to feed my baby doesn't make me tired enough.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Dear Mason - 3 Months
Dear Mason,
You had your first Thanksgiving last week and got so much lovin' from my family. You were quite the flirt and smiled and talked to everyone. Next up is your first Christmas and you already love to look at the Christmas tree. Yes, you are a sweet baby BUT there is a different side to you. There are times (especially when you are tired) that you decide to abuse me. You pull my hair, scratch me, pinch my neck, punch me in the throat and scream in my ear. Your dad thinks this is funny of course, but it hurts! You are way too strong for your own good!
Another month has gone by and it just keeps getting better and better. This past month started out to be a challenge, but recently you have turned into such an angel. Your dad and I constantly talk about what a good boy you are. You really are an easy baby and we are so lucky. You still love to eat and are counting down the days until you can have some "solid" foods.
Nap-time is beginning to be less and less of a challenge, but you still have your bad days where you just don't want to take a nap. Nighttime is awesome - you go to bed between 7:30pm and 8pm and don't wake up until somewhere between 4:30am and 6am. After a bottle, you go back to sleep until 7:30am or 8! Once you are up for the day, you usually lay in bed between us and smile and talk until you realize you are hungry!
Your favorite noises to make are "bahhh" and "booo". The other day, you chuckled! It was so funny and completely caught us off guard. You are so strong and love to do sit-ups with my help and when on your belly, you lift your head and body up off the ground. Your car seat is still your nemesis and you cry a lot in the car. We are hoping that you get used to it someday soon because leaving the house is pretty much a disaster right now.
You had your first Thanksgiving last week and got so much lovin' from my family. You were quite the flirt and smiled and talked to everyone. Next up is your first Christmas and you already love to look at the Christmas tree. Yes, you are a sweet baby BUT there is a different side to you. There are times (especially when you are tired) that you decide to abuse me. You pull my hair, scratch me, pinch my neck, punch me in the throat and scream in my ear. Your dad thinks this is funny of course, but it hurts! You are way too strong for your own good!
We love you so much and every day is a blessing with you in our lives. So far, this month is my favorite. I love seeing your adorable smile and hearing your little voice. Keep it up big man, but don't grow up too fast!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Okay, here is my next tip. I knew this one would have to follow up yesterday's post since they go hand in hand. I felt the need to hurry up and get this on here so that I do not cause mass hysteria. Plus, the one and only comment yesterday (thanks!) nearly made it a two-post day, but I held off.
The whole "don't ever wake a sleeping baby" thing, it's crap. I see the confusion on your face. First, I am telling you to let the baby sleep, now I am tell you to wake him up?! WTF?!
Here is the deal:
Naps are a must. 1.5-2 hour naps, that is. Anything past the 2 hour range starts getting dangerously close to the baby having his days and nights mixed up. 3 hours of sleeping is a lot for a newborn during the day. Naps need to be consistent, especially for my kid, or his day is all f'd up.
So, let the child sleep during the day - but within reason! Consistency is key and it may take a while, but trust me it works! Here is Mason's daily schedule: (it's not set in stone, because life happens. Times vary daily and we never force him into anything. Most importantly, I follow his cues.) He will wake up, eat, play for a while (1-1.5 hours), then go down for a nap. He repeats this all day long, eating every 3-ish hours. His first nap is usually only 45 mins long and naps after that are between 1.5-2 hours, NEVER LONGER. Then after his last nap in the evening, he will wake up, go through his bedtime routine and then eat right before bed. This works great for us and he has been sleeping like a champ at night pretty consistently.
Of course, every baby is different and this might not work, but I honestly believe that you should wake a baby during the day so that they understand that nighttime is for sleeping and naps are for refueling. That's just a lil' sumptin' sumptin' I have learned thus far that I don't recall EVER seeing during my pregnancy!
The whole "don't ever wake a sleeping baby" thing, it's crap. I see the confusion on your face. First, I am telling you to let the baby sleep, now I am tell you to wake him up?! WTF?!
Here is the deal:
Naps are a must. 1.5-2 hour naps, that is. Anything past the 2 hour range starts getting dangerously close to the baby having his days and nights mixed up. 3 hours of sleeping is a lot for a newborn during the day. Naps need to be consistent, especially for my kid, or his day is all f'd up.
So, let the child sleep during the day - but within reason! Consistency is key and it may take a while, but trust me it works! Here is Mason's daily schedule: (it's not set in stone, because life happens. Times vary daily and we never force him into anything. Most importantly, I follow his cues.) He will wake up, eat, play for a while (1-1.5 hours), then go down for a nap. He repeats this all day long, eating every 3-ish hours. His first nap is usually only 45 mins long and naps after that are between 1.5-2 hours, NEVER LONGER. Then after his last nap in the evening, he will wake up, go through his bedtime routine and then eat right before bed. This works great for us and he has been sleeping like a champ at night pretty consistently.
Of course, every baby is different and this might not work, but I honestly believe that you should wake a baby during the day so that they understand that nighttime is for sleeping and naps are for refueling. That's just a lil' sumptin' sumptin' I have learned thus far that I don't recall EVER seeing during my pregnancy!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I must have missed that...
Let me preface this entry by saying that in no universe near or far do I consider myself an expert on motherhood. Nor do I think that I am a perfect mother, I am far from it. I will however, claim to be a baby-knowledge whore in every sense of the phrase. I read. LOTS. Okay, that is an understatement. I am like a mother-sponge. I cannot get enough. I read books, websites, essays, message boards, etc. etc. etc. If it has to do with infant behaviors, I read it. I was a psych major once in one of my many lives and I remember child psych being one of my favorite classes. One that I don't think I ever skipped, and that's sayin' something.
So being the lovely, wonderful, entirely-too-nice-for-my-own-good blogger that I am, I decided one day (probably a month ago, HEY give me a break) that I should start writing entries focusing on information that I must have missed when I was pregnant. Secret troves of wonderful information that is hidden from pregnant women and new mommies every where that can only be unlocked once you have hit "that wall". You know the one I am talking about moms. The wall that you can only SLAM into once you reach pure crazy. A wall harder than brick, taller than the Empire State Building and wider than the Atlantic coast. The wall that causes you to troll the Internets for an answer ANY ANSWER ohmygodpleasehelpmeIamabouttoloseit at usually somewhere around 3am on a Saturday, just when your young, unmarried, childless friends are stumbling in from a good night of drinking.
I have found out that pretty much everything you read during pregnancy to prepare you for this little miracle will be lost like a sock in a dryer once the crazy sets in. So I am going to help you, oh childless Internets. Take notes. Follow along. BURN THIS INFO INTO YOUR BRAIN.
My first piece of missing info: Sleep begets sleep.
DUH! You might say. Well, I am sure I am not the first half of a new parent couple that decided that "We should keep the baby awake so that he is super tired and sleeps longer through the night". DON'T DO IT. For the love of Gucci, don't do it. You see, babies are born just wanting to sleep. All.the.time. LET THEM. Trust. If you keep a baby up because you think he will work like you do (playing all day and passing out at night) you will pay.
It took us a while to figure out that the more consistent we were with Mason's naps during the day, the better he slept at night. I wish someone would have told me this. I am sure I read it somewhere, or someone DID tell me, but it got lost somewhere between every 2 hour feedings and diaper yeast in those first couple weeks. Just trust me. You will look down at your baby who is napping for the third time that day and think "Great. Now we are going to be up all night" but you won't! It's just how it works.
Now, don't get it twisted here. Healthy daytime naps and having days and nights mixed up are another thing. But that's for another day!
So being the lovely, wonderful, entirely-too-nice-for-my-own-good blogger that I am, I decided one day (probably a month ago, HEY give me a break) that I should start writing entries focusing on information that I must have missed when I was pregnant. Secret troves of wonderful information that is hidden from pregnant women and new mommies every where that can only be unlocked once you have hit "that wall". You know the one I am talking about moms. The wall that you can only SLAM into once you reach pure crazy. A wall harder than brick, taller than the Empire State Building and wider than the Atlantic coast. The wall that causes you to troll the Internets for an answer ANY ANSWER ohmygodpleasehelpmeIamabouttoloseit at usually somewhere around 3am on a Saturday, just when your young, unmarried, childless friends are stumbling in from a good night of drinking.
I have found out that pretty much everything you read during pregnancy to prepare you for this little miracle will be lost like a sock in a dryer once the crazy sets in. So I am going to help you, oh childless Internets. Take notes. Follow along. BURN THIS INFO INTO YOUR BRAIN.
My first piece of missing info: Sleep begets sleep.
DUH! You might say. Well, I am sure I am not the first half of a new parent couple that decided that "We should keep the baby awake so that he is super tired and sleeps longer through the night". DON'T DO IT. For the love of Gucci, don't do it. You see, babies are born just wanting to sleep. All.the.time. LET THEM. Trust. If you keep a baby up because you think he will work like you do (playing all day and passing out at night) you will pay.
It took us a while to figure out that the more consistent we were with Mason's naps during the day, the better he slept at night. I wish someone would have told me this. I am sure I read it somewhere, or someone DID tell me, but it got lost somewhere between every 2 hour feedings and diaper yeast in those first couple weeks. Just trust me. You will look down at your baby who is napping for the third time that day and think "Great. Now we are going to be up all night" but you won't! It's just how it works.
Now, don't get it twisted here. Healthy daytime naps and having days and nights mixed up are another thing. But that's for another day!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mom-1 Mason-1
The game is tied. Mason may be mysteriously waking up during the night like he is 3 freaking weeks old again, but I am ruling the daytime nap game. For the past couple days (knock on wood) I have been getting the kid down in 2 minutes flat thanks to my 'oh you're getting sleepy' sixth sense. Of course he pays me back by fighting ruthlessly when it is his last nap of the day or in the middle of the night when his once-a-night-3am feeding has turned into (on Sunday night) 12am, 2am, 5am, up for the day at 6:30am. Or last night: 2:30am, 6am then back down until 8:15am. Seriously, child. WTF are you doing?
I am hoping that the two wakings last night versus the 3 the night before means that he is getting back on schedule. Like, tonight he will be back to his once-a-night feeding. But honestly, he weighs over 12 freaking pounds, you would think the kid has enough fat stores in his cheeks to get him through the night. Obviously not. The only things I can come up with at this point is that he is hitting his 3 month growth spurt a week early, or spending the night at grandma's on Saturday (OF COURSE he slept like an angel) royally f'd him up for a couple days. OR he is getting another cold, but I doubt it because there are no other signs.
This is how I spend my days: Analyzing why HIS HIGHNESS will not a.) go to sleep or b.) stay asleep. Everything else is fine and dandy.
I am hoping that the two wakings last night versus the 3 the night before means that he is getting back on schedule. Like, tonight he will be back to his once-a-night feeding. But honestly, he weighs over 12 freaking pounds, you would think the kid has enough fat stores in his cheeks to get him through the night. Obviously not. The only things I can come up with at this point is that he is hitting his 3 month growth spurt a week early, or spending the night at grandma's on Saturday (OF COURSE he slept like an angel) royally f'd him up for a couple days. OR he is getting another cold, but I doubt it because there are no other signs.
This is how I spend my days: Analyzing why HIS HIGHNESS will not a.) go to sleep or b.) stay asleep. Everything else is fine and dandy.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hey Aunt D
Thanks for the new onesie! Mom and dad say that it explains my demeanor perfectly right now!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Cuteness
My good friend Colleen took these pictures of Mason when he was 5 weeks old and I thought you all should see some of my favorites (just a couple since they are ALL my favorites and I can't post 93 images here). Yes, she is awesome. Yes, she is for hire. Yes, you should contact her ASAP to photograph your kids, pets, family, whatever. Let me know if you want her contact info by leaving me a comment with your email since I am not sure she wants her info posted on here ;o).
Enjoy the cuteness.
Enjoy the cuteness.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It is so cool that Mason is here to witness (sort of) an extremely historical day for our country. With everything that is going on with the economy, jobs, gas prices, the war, etc. it is nice to know that there is still hope out there. My faith in this nation as a whole is starting to be restored. All I want is for my son to grow up in a wonderful world and know that he can be whatever he wants to be as long as he works hard. I want him to feel safe in all realms. I want him to be proud.
Mason's write-in votes for Mommy and Daddy as president and vice-president didn't quite turn out the way he wanted.
Mason's write-in votes for Mommy and Daddy as president and vice-president didn't quite turn out the way he wanted.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Dear Mason - 2 Months
2 Months Old
Dear Mason,
Today, you turn 2 months old! You are such a big boy and you have changed so much this past month. You now smile at us and talk to us all the time, which is so refreshing after a month of you crying! We really started to figure you out this month and learned that pretty much the root of all of your problems was that you just weren't sleeping enough. Now that we have you on a good schedule and you are taking good naps throughout the day, everyone is happier and you sleep longer at night! SCORE!
One of your favorite things is the exercise gym that Aunt Chrissy let us borrow. You especially love the red bird and the lights and music. You also still love Jacques the Peacock and your new friend is the big Caterpillar that plays "If You're Happy and You Know It". You also think it is hilarious when mommy signs along. You also love your sound machine and the raindrop noise. You sleep so much better with that noise on! Bath time, or "tubby time" as we call it is definitely one of your happiest times. You love the warm water and kick your legs and coo like crazy. Recently, you discovered that there was a mirror on your left side and you love to stare at yourself. After tubby time is when you really get going. You talk non-stop while we give you a massage and dry you off. You absolutely love to be naked, but who doesn't?!
You drink 5 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours, play for a little while, then usually sleep for 1.5-2 hours. This is your little routine and it is wonderful! Bedtime for you is around 8pm and you eat one more time around 10:30pm before you sleep for usually 5-5.5 hours straight! Mommy and daddy love you for this!
Today you went for your 2 month well baby appointment, but it turns out you weren't so well. This morning you woke up with a nasty cough and stuffy nose. It is so hard to hear you cough and struggle. Luckily, we had the doctor's appointment and she was able to check you out. Your temperature was 99.9 rectally, which is good. There really isn't much we can do for you except run the humidifier and elevate your mattress to help with your congestion. We went ahead with two of your shots and you only cried for a minute. The doctor also wanted to see how well you hold your head up when on your stomach and you rolled over onto your back for her! You are so strong! You weighed 11 pounds, 15 ounces (50%) and measured 22.25 (25%) inches long.
We love you so much and enjoy watching you change and grow every day. You make us laugh so hard with your gas expulsion and the fact that you now know what your bottle is and will stare longingly at it when we burp you. I think you are getting a little too smart for us. Soon you will be balancing the checkbook and doing our taxes.
Here's to another wonderful month big man!
Dear Mason,
Today, you turn 2 months old! You are such a big boy and you have changed so much this past month. You now smile at us and talk to us all the time, which is so refreshing after a month of you crying! We really started to figure you out this month and learned that pretty much the root of all of your problems was that you just weren't sleeping enough. Now that we have you on a good schedule and you are taking good naps throughout the day, everyone is happier and you sleep longer at night! SCORE!
One of your favorite things is the exercise gym that Aunt Chrissy let us borrow. You especially love the red bird and the lights and music. You also still love Jacques the Peacock and your new friend is the big Caterpillar that plays "If You're Happy and You Know It". You also think it is hilarious when mommy signs along. You also love your sound machine and the raindrop noise. You sleep so much better with that noise on! Bath time, or "tubby time" as we call it is definitely one of your happiest times. You love the warm water and kick your legs and coo like crazy. Recently, you discovered that there was a mirror on your left side and you love to stare at yourself. After tubby time is when you really get going. You talk non-stop while we give you a massage and dry you off. You absolutely love to be naked, but who doesn't?!
You drink 5 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours, play for a little while, then usually sleep for 1.5-2 hours. This is your little routine and it is wonderful! Bedtime for you is around 8pm and you eat one more time around 10:30pm before you sleep for usually 5-5.5 hours straight! Mommy and daddy love you for this!
Today you went for your 2 month well baby appointment, but it turns out you weren't so well. This morning you woke up with a nasty cough and stuffy nose. It is so hard to hear you cough and struggle. Luckily, we had the doctor's appointment and she was able to check you out. Your temperature was 99.9 rectally, which is good. There really isn't much we can do for you except run the humidifier and elevate your mattress to help with your congestion. We went ahead with two of your shots and you only cried for a minute. The doctor also wanted to see how well you hold your head up when on your stomach and you rolled over onto your back for her! You are so strong! You weighed 11 pounds, 15 ounces (50%) and measured 22.25 (25%) inches long.
We love you so much and enjoy watching you change and grow every day. You make us laugh so hard with your gas expulsion and the fact that you now know what your bottle is and will stare longingly at it when we burp you. I think you are getting a little too smart for us. Soon you will be balancing the checkbook and doing our taxes.
Here's to another wonderful month big man!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
How I have been getting shit done.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Catch 22
I am sick. Have been since Saturday night/Sunday. Of course being sick and trying to take care of a baby is not the equivalent of your parents telling you they are taking you to Disney World. Paul has been SUPER nice, getting up with Mason during the night for the past two nights for me and THEN working all day, cleaning the house, attempting to make dinner/kill us with smoke inhalation, pretty much being SUPERMAN. Obviously I owe him big time - like Playstation 3 BIG TIME.
The only thing is that Mason is a nap-fighter and I am pretty much the only one that knows the rockingshushingpattingOMGthat'stheticket that gets him to go to sleep, usually within 5-10 minutes. So, instead of getting an extra 2 hours of sleep, I pretty much just lay in bed listening to Mason scream and Paul trying everything he can to get him to go down. The catch 22 is that it is so super sweet that Mason loves his mommy BUT damnit I am sicker than hell and showing no signs of getting better because my body is screaming "HEY LADY GET SOME SLEEP and like, FEED YOURSELF something other than cheese and Triscuits!!"
The only thing is that Mason is a nap-fighter and I am pretty much the only one that knows the rockingshushingpattingOMGthat'stheticket that gets him to go to sleep, usually within 5-10 minutes. So, instead of getting an extra 2 hours of sleep, I pretty much just lay in bed listening to Mason scream and Paul trying everything he can to get him to go down. The catch 22 is that it is so super sweet that Mason loves his mommy BUT damnit I am sicker than hell and showing no signs of getting better because my body is screaming "HEY LADY GET SOME SLEEP and like, FEED YOURSELF something other than cheese and Triscuits!!"
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Word from our Sponsor
I have been meaning to write this entry for a couple weeks now, but of course time slipped away from me. I never felt "right" after Mason was born. I have dealt with anxiety and depression before so I knew the drill, but this was a slow process. I attributed the first couple weeks of the crying and frustration to the baby blues. I even went as far as thinking that the one month mark was still baby blues. This was around the time that my sister-in-law gave me Brooke Shields' book Down Came the Rain. I read it during Mason's naps and cried. I could have wrote a lot of that book myself. I won't go too much into detail about what was going on in my head because it was scary. I would never hurt myself or Mason, but I did want to run away.
Things really came to a head during the fifth week of Mason's life. Paul was growing increasingly frustrated with me and my constant crying. I wasn't sleeping, Mason wasn't sleeping and I just plain wasn't enjoying myself. I knew my 6 week (which fell at the end of the 5th week) post-partum appointment was coming up and I was just trying to survive until then. I knew I needed help. As I said, I had dealt with this before and knew what was going on. I guess I just felt like I could handle it without medication this time. What I didn't take into consideration was that not only was I having to deal with my issues, but I also had to take care of a newborn and try to keep my marriage in tact as well. It just got too hard. I gave in.
I talked to my doctor and she didn't even hesitate to write me a prescription. I told her what I took in college and she gave me the same medication. I knew it would take effect immediately, but I can honestly say that at almost 2 weeks later, I am feeling so much better.
My friends and family obviously knew something was going on with me. I was told that I was not acting like myself and that made me sad. I am doing so much better now and actually starting to enjoy myself. Mason is really starting to interact with us and falling into a great pattern over the course of the day. I like to think it is because we are all so much happier.
I really thought it was important that I get this all out there because of my audience. Know that you are NOT crazy if you start feeling unlike yourself. Get help. Medication is not a bad thing, talking to someone is not a bad thing. You are only human and there is only so much you can handle. I can't remember who said this, or where I heard it, but it is SO TRUE:
Things really came to a head during the fifth week of Mason's life. Paul was growing increasingly frustrated with me and my constant crying. I wasn't sleeping, Mason wasn't sleeping and I just plain wasn't enjoying myself. I knew my 6 week (which fell at the end of the 5th week) post-partum appointment was coming up and I was just trying to survive until then. I knew I needed help. As I said, I had dealt with this before and knew what was going on. I guess I just felt like I could handle it without medication this time. What I didn't take into consideration was that not only was I having to deal with my issues, but I also had to take care of a newborn and try to keep my marriage in tact as well. It just got too hard. I gave in.
I talked to my doctor and she didn't even hesitate to write me a prescription. I told her what I took in college and she gave me the same medication. I knew it would take effect immediately, but I can honestly say that at almost 2 weeks later, I am feeling so much better.
My friends and family obviously knew something was going on with me. I was told that I was not acting like myself and that made me sad. I am doing so much better now and actually starting to enjoy myself. Mason is really starting to interact with us and falling into a great pattern over the course of the day. I like to think it is because we are all so much happier.
I really thought it was important that I get this all out there because of my audience. Know that you are NOT crazy if you start feeling unlike yourself. Get help. Medication is not a bad thing, talking to someone is not a bad thing. You are only human and there is only so much you can handle. I can't remember who said this, or where I heard it, but it is SO TRUE:
Being a parent is the hardest job you will ever love.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Picture Update
I know I have been slacking lately, but "little" man is keeping us super busy! So here are some new photos to hold you over! Enjoy!
Church Halloween:
Church Halloween:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Holy Growth Spurt
We are in the midst of Mason's 6 week growth spurt. I swear this little guy is going to eat us out of house and home! Just when we were stretching feedings to 4 or 5 hours, he decides he is now STARVING every 2-3 hours! He is also sleeping a lot which can be nice when all you feel like all you are doing is preparing bottles, feeding and changing him. Speaking of feeding, I am down to exclusively pumping so Mason can have 2 bottles of breast milk a day. The rest of the time he gets formula. My body pretty much decided this for me and abruptly stopped making large amounts of milk last weekend. I was getting ready to wean soon anyways, so it all worked out.
I will admit I am sad that I am no longer nursing him, but I think it definitely makes for a happier mom AND baby. He was getting really frustrated when he wasn't getting a full feeding from me and it is so sad to watch him go through that.
In other news, Mason now coos a little and is smiling lots in response to people. You have to work at it a little, but it happens! I love his little voice, it has a raspy sound to it - too cute. His next doctor appointment is a little over 2 weeks away and I am so anxious to see how much weight my little linebacker has packed on. I can't believe we are almost at 6 weeks! We really have the hang of things now, all we need is for him to start sleeping through the night and everything would be gravy! Wishful thinking!!
I will admit I am sad that I am no longer nursing him, but I think it definitely makes for a happier mom AND baby. He was getting really frustrated when he wasn't getting a full feeding from me and it is so sad to watch him go through that.
In other news, Mason now coos a little and is smiling lots in response to people. You have to work at it a little, but it happens! I love his little voice, it has a raspy sound to it - too cute. His next doctor appointment is a little over 2 weeks away and I am so anxious to see how much weight my little linebacker has packed on. I can't believe we are almost at 6 weeks! We really have the hang of things now, all we need is for him to start sleeping through the night and everything would be gravy! Wishful thinking!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Are you confused? Let me help you.
Hi. This whole going 8 hours without eating starting at 5:30pm instead of, OH say 9:30pm thus giving mommy and daddy a full nights sleep, which equals SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT...it needs to stop. Or adjust itself. Any day now. KTHANKSBYE.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dairy Farm
In the beginning, breast feeding was definitely a challenge for me. There were numerous freak outs that first weekend and "oh my God Mason is going to DIE because my milk is not in yet". It took almost 5 days before my milk came in and I was able to avoid engorgement but dealt with some sore nipples, God bless Lanolin. Low and behold, he wasn't dying, not even close. He gained 3 ounces of his weight back in 4 days, so he was getting something.
I never intended to breast feed for very long, maybe 2 months. I am just not one of those women that you see nursing their children until preschool (no offense). Call me selfish if you will, but I just never saw myself nursing for an extended period of time. Now that I am at 5 weeks and counting of nursing during the day (he gets formula at night to help him sleep longer) and thinking/starting to wean slowly, I am questioning myself. Nursing has gotten considerably easier, especially since the gremlin has become quite efficient and is no longer pulling marathon nursing sessions. Plus, and this is MAJOR, I am saving a shit-ton of money by not exclusively using formula. Also, feeding Mason via boob is something that no one else shares with us. It is our little special time and I feel so close to him when he nurses knowing that I am the only one that can provide that for him.
That is also a HUGE negative for me- I am the only one that can nurse him. Yes, I pump so Paul/anyone else can feed him but pumping takes up twice the amount of time and needs to be timed correctly = hassle. I am going to slowly wean him off of breastfeeding, I am actually down to nursing him only 3-4 times a day now since he is going 4 hours in between meals. I will say that it is very discouraging out there for mothers who choose to stop nursing or mothers who choose to never nurse at all. People will really make you feel like crap! I started reading all of these articles in attempt to learn how to properly wean and ended up almost in tears because I felt like I was a horrible mother for GASP! wanting to start giving my overly-hungry son a bottle. What ever happened to supporting everyone's decisions?
I never intended to breast feed for very long, maybe 2 months. I am just not one of those women that you see nursing their children until preschool (no offense). Call me selfish if you will, but I just never saw myself nursing for an extended period of time. Now that I am at 5 weeks and counting of nursing during the day (he gets formula at night to help him sleep longer) and thinking/starting to wean slowly, I am questioning myself. Nursing has gotten considerably easier, especially since the gremlin has become quite efficient and is no longer pulling marathon nursing sessions. Plus, and this is MAJOR, I am saving a shit-ton of money by not exclusively using formula. Also, feeding Mason via boob is something that no one else shares with us. It is our little special time and I feel so close to him when he nurses knowing that I am the only one that can provide that for him.
That is also a HUGE negative for me- I am the only one that can nurse him. Yes, I pump so Paul/anyone else can feed him but pumping takes up twice the amount of time and needs to be timed correctly = hassle. I am going to slowly wean him off of breastfeeding, I am actually down to nursing him only 3-4 times a day now since he is going 4 hours in between meals. I will say that it is very discouraging out there for mothers who choose to stop nursing or mothers who choose to never nurse at all. People will really make you feel like crap! I started reading all of these articles in attempt to learn how to properly wean and ended up almost in tears because I felt like I was a horrible mother for GASP! wanting to start giving my overly-hungry son a bottle. What ever happened to supporting everyone's decisions?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Dear Mason - 1 Month
Dear Mason,
Today you are one month old and what a trying, challenging and rewarding month it has been. You don't like to sleep during the day for long periods of time. In fact, I am furiously typing this entry scared out of my mind that you are about to start crying for the 18th time in the past hour any second now. You have definitely proven to have such a strong little personality and you teach your dad and I new things about ourselves every day.
You have taught us that we no longer control when we get to shower, eat or talk on the phone. You have also taught us that we are stronger than we thought, and that we continue to get stronger both physically (you and your car seat are heavy!) and mentally. Every day seems to get a little easier with you, and all of the tough moments are always followed with one that makes us smile.
You are really settling into a pattern now and love to be awake and stare at your aquarium or Jacques the Peacock. You always give us a little smile whenever you are about to fall asleep (even if it is only for 10 minutes) and no matter how frustrated or tired we are, it always makes us smile too.
You are a great little nurser now and have shown me that I am good at breastfeeding, making it that much more difficult for me to stop (which I always planned on doing, more on that later). Your butt has been our biggest challenge to date and I think we finally are getting it under control. Who knew I would have such a sensitive little man?! Yesterday at the doctors, you weighed 9lbs 8oz! Slow down! You are growing too fast for me!
As tiring and as much work as you are, we love you more than anything we have ever loved in our lives. We cannot wait to watch you grow and change!
Today you are one month old and what a trying, challenging and rewarding month it has been. You don't like to sleep during the day for long periods of time. In fact, I am furiously typing this entry scared out of my mind that you are about to start crying for the 18th time in the past hour any second now. You have definitely proven to have such a strong little personality and you teach your dad and I new things about ourselves every day.
You have taught us that we no longer control when we get to shower, eat or talk on the phone. You have also taught us that we are stronger than we thought, and that we continue to get stronger both physically (you and your car seat are heavy!) and mentally. Every day seems to get a little easier with you, and all of the tough moments are always followed with one that makes us smile.
You are really settling into a pattern now and love to be awake and stare at your aquarium or Jacques the Peacock. You always give us a little smile whenever you are about to fall asleep (even if it is only for 10 minutes) and no matter how frustrated or tired we are, it always makes us smile too.
You are a great little nurser now and have shown me that I am good at breastfeeding, making it that much more difficult for me to stop (which I always planned on doing, more on that later). Your butt has been our biggest challenge to date and I think we finally are getting it under control. Who knew I would have such a sensitive little man?! Yesterday at the doctors, you weighed 9lbs 8oz! Slow down! You are growing too fast for me!
As tiring and as much work as you are, we love you more than anything we have ever loved in our lives. We cannot wait to watch you grow and change!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My Must Haves
I have been compiling a list of my favorite baby items in my head the past three weeks and was shocked to find a survey somewhere (can't remember the site) that was "dogging" completely on some of my faves. So here they are, my must-haves, even if some people find them worthless!
For feeding:
If you are breast or bottle feeding, these are some of my favorite products.
The Boppy Pillow. I could not feed without it. Your arms get tired and I am sorry, but I am not about to use just any pillow from my house to feed Mason. This thing is perfect!
Born Free bottles. BPA-free and they come with a nifty little venting system that has never given my little guy tummy issues.
Lanolin. If you are breastfeeding, this should be your best friend. I am constantly lathering this on my nipples and they love me for it.
The First Years Day and Night Bottle Warmer. This is one that people said was a waste but let me tell you something: I never have to venture downstairs in the middle of the night to spend 5 LONG minutes waiting for my bottle of breast milk to heat under running water (and wasting a ton of water in the process). This thing steams my bottles to the perfect temperature in less time than it takes to change a diaper with maybe a tablespoon of water. And I don't have to stand around trying to keep Mason calm while the bottle warms under the faucet.
*breast milk is very touchy and comes with a lot of re-heating rules. Formula feeders may find this product worthless.
For Sleepy-time:
Kidopotamus Swaddle Me blankets. My kid will not sleep unless he is swaddled or being held. I own three of these just in the newborn size. LIFE SAVER.
Nightlights. Any will do. I am a firm believer that blasting bright lights in the middle of the night keeps Mason awake longer. I have learned to do everything by the dim glow of a nightlight.
Graco Sweetpeace swing. Google this one and watch the demo video. I want one for myself. Mason has actually been sleeping in the chair part of it which we took off the swing and put into his crib. My only complaint is that the whole thing runs by way of being plugged into an outlet EXCEPT for the vibration option which is battery powered. Mason loves vibration and I am considering taking stock in batteries.
Diaper Duty:
PinXav. Mason has/had a mean case of diaper rash and this stuff is the shit. Normal diaper creams only have 11-13% zinc oxide in them, this stuff has 30%. Most places keep it behind the counter in the pharmacy, so ask for it.
Liquid Maalox. I know, strange right? Well after Aunt Chrissy's rash remedy (bacatracin zinc before the diaper cream) stopped working, the pediatrician let me in on this gem. Just dab some Maalox on the rash before the diaper cream to neutralize the acid on the rash. Works beautifully!
For feeding:
If you are breast or bottle feeding, these are some of my favorite products.
The Boppy Pillow. I could not feed without it. Your arms get tired and I am sorry, but I am not about to use just any pillow from my house to feed Mason. This thing is perfect!
Born Free bottles. BPA-free and they come with a nifty little venting system that has never given my little guy tummy issues.
Lanolin. If you are breastfeeding, this should be your best friend. I am constantly lathering this on my nipples and they love me for it.
The First Years Day and Night Bottle Warmer. This is one that people said was a waste but let me tell you something: I never have to venture downstairs in the middle of the night to spend 5 LONG minutes waiting for my bottle of breast milk to heat under running water (and wasting a ton of water in the process). This thing steams my bottles to the perfect temperature in less time than it takes to change a diaper with maybe a tablespoon of water. And I don't have to stand around trying to keep Mason calm while the bottle warms under the faucet.
*breast milk is very touchy and comes with a lot of re-heating rules. Formula feeders may find this product worthless.
For Sleepy-time:
Kidopotamus Swaddle Me blankets. My kid will not sleep unless he is swaddled or being held. I own three of these just in the newborn size. LIFE SAVER.
Nightlights. Any will do. I am a firm believer that blasting bright lights in the middle of the night keeps Mason awake longer. I have learned to do everything by the dim glow of a nightlight.
Graco Sweetpeace swing. Google this one and watch the demo video. I want one for myself. Mason has actually been sleeping in the chair part of it which we took off the swing and put into his crib. My only complaint is that the whole thing runs by way of being plugged into an outlet EXCEPT for the vibration option which is battery powered. Mason loves vibration and I am considering taking stock in batteries.
Diaper Duty:
PinXav. Mason has/had a mean case of diaper rash and this stuff is the shit. Normal diaper creams only have 11-13% zinc oxide in them, this stuff has 30%. Most places keep it behind the counter in the pharmacy, so ask for it.
Liquid Maalox. I know, strange right? Well after Aunt Chrissy's rash remedy (bacatracin zinc before the diaper cream) stopped working, the pediatrician let me in on this gem. Just dab some Maalox on the rash before the diaper cream to neutralize the acid on the rash. Works beautifully!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Splish Splash and Fun Feedings
Two Sundays ago, Mason was given his first bath. I was so excited when his umbilical stump fell off because I had been looking forward to giving the little guy a bath. Not because he was stinky or anything, it just seemed fun. HA! This was also the Sunday when we started noticing a little bit of diaper rash on him that would soon turn into FULL FLEDGED OUCHIE diaper rash, which is now looking tons better thanks to Aunt Chrissy's remedy.
At first, he seemed to like the bath and it's warm goodness on his little butt...
But that soon turned into "HOLY HELL the water is getting chilly and I am cold now get me out of here cruel vile people!"
Soon followed with "is it over? I am scared to look. Is the tubby gone?"
"Ahh yes. Warm towel. All done I presume. Now fetch me a boob."

At first, he seemed to like the bath and it's warm goodness on his little butt...
But that soon turned into "HOLY HELL the water is getting chilly and I am cold now get me out of here cruel vile people!"
Soon followed with "is it over? I am scared to look. Is the tubby gone?"
"Ahh yes. Warm towel. All done I presume. Now fetch me a boob."

So there you have it. He likes his baths at first, but as soon as the water temperature is not up to his highness' standards anymore, he screams bloody murder until we get him out. He really is such a good baby. He never cries just to cry. He only cries because one of the following things is wrong:
-dirty diaper
-fighting sleep
-wants mommy/sick of daddy or wants daddy/sick of mommy
-gas bubble
He actually slept 3 hours in between feedings last night. Praise Jeebus. Hopefully this sticks at night. For the past almost 3 weeks, he had only been sleeping 2 hours from the start of one feeding to the start of the next. He was also doing marathon nursing sessions lasting sometimes 45 minutes. For example, he wakes up at 2am, I change him (5 mins), feed him (30-45 mins) and rock him back to sleep (10 mins), taking about an HOUR total putting us at 3am. We sleep until 4am (AN HOUR people) before he is up and hungry again. EEK.
He is finally cutting down the nursing to 15 minutes and passing out at the last burp. So the diaper change, nursing, burp and rocking to sleep has went down from one hour to about 20-30 minutes and then he doesn't eat again for another 2.5 hours. SO.MUCH.BETTER. I can only hope it gets shorter and shorter!
-dirty diaper
-fighting sleep
-wants mommy/sick of daddy or wants daddy/sick of mommy
-gas bubble
He actually slept 3 hours in between feedings last night. Praise Jeebus. Hopefully this sticks at night. For the past almost 3 weeks, he had only been sleeping 2 hours from the start of one feeding to the start of the next. He was also doing marathon nursing sessions lasting sometimes 45 minutes. For example, he wakes up at 2am, I change him (5 mins), feed him (30-45 mins) and rock him back to sleep (10 mins), taking about an HOUR total putting us at 3am. We sleep until 4am (AN HOUR people) before he is up and hungry again. EEK.
He is finally cutting down the nursing to 15 minutes and passing out at the last burp. So the diaper change, nursing, burp and rocking to sleep has went down from one hour to about 20-30 minutes and then he doesn't eat again for another 2.5 hours. SO.MUCH.BETTER. I can only hope it gets shorter and shorter!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I don't think you're ready for this jelly.
Just a quick update - we had a nurse come visit from the local children's hospital (hey! it was free!) and she looked Mason over, weighed him, etc. He already weighs 7 pounds 15 ounces...and that was Friday! His next pediatrician appointment is on Tuesday, so I am sure he will be well over 8 pounds by then! He is just too cute and this IS getting a little easier. This breastfeeding stuff is the most difficult I think. More on that later.
I anticipate my next post to be about Mason's first bath, which was a week ago, including pictures. He actually likes his baths because he is dealing with a bit of a diaper rash. Poor guy. That's what happens when you continually poop all.day.long! Dude farts LOUD. Mom and dad are proud. There is no guess work in when he needs a diaper change.
I will be back soon with pictures and the first bath, breastfeeding stories, and my must-haves. Stay tuned and thanks for hanging in there with me!
Edit: And just because I am REALLY proud of this...I am already back down to the weight I was at my first OB appointment (which was at 6w pregnant)! Only 10 pounds to go until I am back to my goal!
I anticipate my next post to be about Mason's first bath, which was a week ago, including pictures. He actually likes his baths because he is dealing with a bit of a diaper rash. Poor guy. That's what happens when you continually poop all.day.long! Dude farts LOUD. Mom and dad are proud. There is no guess work in when he needs a diaper change.
I will be back soon with pictures and the first bath, breastfeeding stories, and my must-haves. Stay tuned and thanks for hanging in there with me!
Edit: And just because I am REALLY proud of this...I am already back down to the weight I was at my first OB appointment (which was at 6w pregnant)! Only 10 pounds to go until I am back to my goal!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Birth Story Part III
The anesthesiologist in the OR informed me that Dr. Zwart was finishing up a delivery and that's why we were waiting. He also said that he couldn't stand to watch me in pain anymore and got started on a second fresh "Super Strong" epidural for the operation. It was difficult to stay still through the contractions so that he could insert the epidural, but he was really fast and I began feeling VERY numb VERY fast. Soon after that, Dr. Zwart and Paul both came into the OR. I was so happy to see both of them. Pretty soon, I began feeling like I couldn't breathe. I was told this was because of the epidural going up so high into my chest. It felt like I was only taking short, shallow breaths. Paul reassured me that my oxygen, heart and blood pressure levels were all perfect. This is where it really gets fuzzy for me. I guess the doctor pinched me and I didn't feel it. I don't remember this at all. I do remember feeling tugging and pressure and thinking how it was taking forever. I couldn't feel anything from the neck down, including my arms. It was the weirdest feeling EVER! Paul sat right by my side and talked to me. I do remember saying, "What is taking so long?!"at one point.
Pretty soon, I felt a nice amount of pressure on my chest. I knew it was almost over. I heard the doctor say, "Hey little guy" and seconds later I heard the most wonderful noise in the world. Mason let out a HUGE, deep, cry as soon as he was out. I looked at Paul and immediately started crying. They started stitching me up and I told Paul to go see Mason. Pretty soon, Paul returned and told me he looked perfect at 7lbs 6oz and 20". I was so relieved that everything had worked out. The doctors told Paul to go get the camera, which was in the waiting room with family. At first he didn't want to leave me, but I made him. I am so glad I did. Those first photos are my favorites. I continued to be stitched up as Mason was measured, stamped and cleaned up. Paul returned and brought Mason over to me. It was love at first sight.
Looking back now, all of the tears, pain and fear was so worth it. We were blessed with a perfectly healthy little boy to complete our family. The c-section and recovery were very hard, and I would not recommend it. I couldn't hold Mason for a little while because my arms were so numb and I don't remember a lot of it. That was so hard for me. All in all, I have bounced back nicely and feel great a mere 2 weeks later. I think Paul will agree with me that being parents is hard. HARD. We have definitely been challenged these past 2 weeks but just when you think you are about to lose it, this little precious person looks up at you and smiles. It may be because he has gas, but a smile is a smile. We are told it will get easier and we are holding onto that fact. My hormones have been all over the place and sometimes I just cry. Paul has been such a wonderful companion and rock for me.
I look forward to sharing this new experience with you as frequently as I can, internets. I already have so many posts lined up in my head. Now I just need to get them through my fingers and onto a computer screen near you!
Pretty soon, I felt a nice amount of pressure on my chest. I knew it was almost over. I heard the doctor say, "Hey little guy" and seconds later I heard the most wonderful noise in the world. Mason let out a HUGE, deep, cry as soon as he was out. I looked at Paul and immediately started crying. They started stitching me up and I told Paul to go see Mason. Pretty soon, Paul returned and told me he looked perfect at 7lbs 6oz and 20". I was so relieved that everything had worked out. The doctors told Paul to go get the camera, which was in the waiting room with family. At first he didn't want to leave me, but I made him. I am so glad I did. Those first photos are my favorites. I continued to be stitched up as Mason was measured, stamped and cleaned up. Paul returned and brought Mason over to me. It was love at first sight.
Looking back now, all of the tears, pain and fear was so worth it. We were blessed with a perfectly healthy little boy to complete our family. The c-section and recovery were very hard, and I would not recommend it. I couldn't hold Mason for a little while because my arms were so numb and I don't remember a lot of it. That was so hard for me. All in all, I have bounced back nicely and feel great a mere 2 weeks later. I think Paul will agree with me that being parents is hard. HARD. We have definitely been challenged these past 2 weeks but just when you think you are about to lose it, this little precious person looks up at you and smiles. It may be because he has gas, but a smile is a smile. We are told it will get easier and we are holding onto that fact. My hormones have been all over the place and sometimes I just cry. Paul has been such a wonderful companion and rock for me.
I look forward to sharing this new experience with you as frequently as I can, internets. I already have so many posts lined up in my head. Now I just need to get them through my fingers and onto a computer screen near you!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Birth Story Part II
So I found some time...
Part II:
Once settled into L&D, things got rolling right away. My stupid IV was finally put to good use when the Pitocin was started as well as a bag of fluid to keep me hydrated around 6:45am. I wasn't allowed any liquid anymore, just ice chips, which are less than fulfilling. I now measured at just 1-2 centimeters, 70% effaced and a -2 station. Not exactly moving along quickly. At 8:30am, the resident doctor decided that he wanted to insert a Foley catheter between my cervix and the baby to help stretch me a little. I was given morphine to make the procedure a little more comfortable. That was an interesting little ride. Only an hour later, the catheter broke inside of me. First I thought it was my water, but it was the fluid from inside the catheter that was leaking out of me. The doctor and nurse inserted another catheter and it wasn't long before I felt more fluid. The doctor and nurse checked me again and found that the fluid I was leaking was not water, but blood and lots of it. They told me that they had never seen anything like that happen before. Paul and I were both terrified. They finally got the bleeding to stop and determined that it was probably bleeding from my cervix since the baby's heart never dipped and he never showed any distress.
I decided to go ahead and get an epidural around 10:50am when the contractions started becoming a little stronger. The epidural was SO easy. Nothing to be worried about at all. Seriously, the IV hurt worse. Once in, I felt relief in about 20 minutes. Life was good.
I continued to be checked throughout the day, and was progressing along. Family came in and out and visited and Paul and I napped and watched TV. This is also where Paul neglected his logging duties, so I am a little fuzzy on the details, but nothing major really happened. My doctor, Dr. Shondel was due to go home at 7pm that night and was really pulling for me to be 10 centimeters by then. Our favorite nurse Tricia was also in the same boat. Around 5pm, I was at 6-7 centimeters and then at 7pm, I was at 9 centimeters. Dr. Shondel introduced me to Dr. Zwart, who would be delivering Mason. I was sad since Dr. Shondel had been my primary OB the entire pregnancy but I trusted her when she told me how wonderful Dr. Zwart was. Somewhere in there, my epidural began wearing off for the first time and had to be topped off.
Somewhere around 9:00pm, I think, I was ready to push. Dr. Zwart and the nurse gave me a crash course and I REALLY started feeling contractions again. My epidural wasn't working AGAIN. I was topped off, but it only lasted around 20 minutes. I was pushing and feeling every single contraction. I am not kidding you when I say that is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. It felt so good to push. I just wanted it to be over at that point. One thing I neglected to mention above was that Mason was sunny side up, which can add what feels like a pound to the baby when trying to push it out. We had been trying to get him to turn all day, but to no avail. Paul and the nurse held my legs and I gave it everything I had. I felt like my head might pop off of my neck. I pushed three times a contraction, holding it for as long as I could. At one point, Paul pointed out that Rudy Guiliani was on the TV. Nice. It was all so surreal. I was given oxygen after a while to make sure Mason's heart rate stayed positive since he was under so much stress. After an hour and a half of pushing my brains out, the doctor checked me. He told me that the only thing that was moving was the swollen spot on Mason's head. He wasn't budging, my pelvis was too small and with him being sunny side up, that wasn't helping. The doctor told me he would give me two more hours to push if I wanted to try and prove him wrong, but that he felt that we would end up in the OR either way. I was devastated and could see the fear on Paul's face. I couldn't imagine pushing for two more hours and felt that it wasn't worth putting the baby and I through that much stress. At 10:37pm I told the doctor I was ready for the c-section. I had no epidural left and no strength either.
From there, everything was put into high gear. I was outfitted with a surgical cap and Paul was handed scrubs and told to move our stuff to the waiting room with our parents. I kissed him through tears and was told he would meet me in there. I was scared. So, so scared.
I have never had any type of surgery besides wisdom teeth and had never even stayed in a hospital before. This was all so new to me and I really didn't know what to expect. Meanwhile, the contractions were becoming unbearable. I was crying, trying to breathe through
them and saying, "Oh God, oh God" with every one. They kept getting worse and worse. I was
told I would be getting a spinal in the OR and to hang in there. A new nurse wheeled me down the hall as I cried and breathed through the contractions, which were probably about 1-2 minutes apart. I was transferred onto the operating table and stayed sitting up in preparation for my spinal. A nurse held my hand and rubbed my back as I cried through more contractions for what seemed like years. I watched as the the nurses prepare all of the surgical stuff and wondered where the doctor was. I was then told that I would not get my spinal until just before the surgery since my epidural had been wearing off so quickly. I think this was around 11pm. The pain was unbelievable.
Part III coming up. This is the best part. I promise!
Part II:
Once settled into L&D, things got rolling right away. My stupid IV was finally put to good use when the Pitocin was started as well as a bag of fluid to keep me hydrated around 6:45am. I wasn't allowed any liquid anymore, just ice chips, which are less than fulfilling. I now measured at just 1-2 centimeters, 70% effaced and a -2 station. Not exactly moving along quickly. At 8:30am, the resident doctor decided that he wanted to insert a Foley catheter between my cervix and the baby to help stretch me a little. I was given morphine to make the procedure a little more comfortable. That was an interesting little ride. Only an hour later, the catheter broke inside of me. First I thought it was my water, but it was the fluid from inside the catheter that was leaking out of me. The doctor and nurse inserted another catheter and it wasn't long before I felt more fluid. The doctor and nurse checked me again and found that the fluid I was leaking was not water, but blood and lots of it. They told me that they had never seen anything like that happen before. Paul and I were both terrified. They finally got the bleeding to stop and determined that it was probably bleeding from my cervix since the baby's heart never dipped and he never showed any distress.
I decided to go ahead and get an epidural around 10:50am when the contractions started becoming a little stronger. The epidural was SO easy. Nothing to be worried about at all. Seriously, the IV hurt worse. Once in, I felt relief in about 20 minutes. Life was good.
I continued to be checked throughout the day, and was progressing along. Family came in and out and visited and Paul and I napped and watched TV. This is also where Paul neglected his logging duties, so I am a little fuzzy on the details, but nothing major really happened. My doctor, Dr. Shondel was due to go home at 7pm that night and was really pulling for me to be 10 centimeters by then. Our favorite nurse Tricia was also in the same boat. Around 5pm, I was at 6-7 centimeters and then at 7pm, I was at 9 centimeters. Dr. Shondel introduced me to Dr. Zwart, who would be delivering Mason. I was sad since Dr. Shondel had been my primary OB the entire pregnancy but I trusted her when she told me how wonderful Dr. Zwart was. Somewhere in there, my epidural began wearing off for the first time and had to be topped off.
Somewhere around 9:00pm, I think, I was ready to push. Dr. Zwart and the nurse gave me a crash course and I REALLY started feeling contractions again. My epidural wasn't working AGAIN. I was topped off, but it only lasted around 20 minutes. I was pushing and feeling every single contraction. I am not kidding you when I say that is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. It felt so good to push. I just wanted it to be over at that point. One thing I neglected to mention above was that Mason was sunny side up, which can add what feels like a pound to the baby when trying to push it out. We had been trying to get him to turn all day, but to no avail. Paul and the nurse held my legs and I gave it everything I had. I felt like my head might pop off of my neck. I pushed three times a contraction, holding it for as long as I could. At one point, Paul pointed out that Rudy Guiliani was on the TV. Nice. It was all so surreal. I was given oxygen after a while to make sure Mason's heart rate stayed positive since he was under so much stress. After an hour and a half of pushing my brains out, the doctor checked me. He told me that the only thing that was moving was the swollen spot on Mason's head. He wasn't budging, my pelvis was too small and with him being sunny side up, that wasn't helping. The doctor told me he would give me two more hours to push if I wanted to try and prove him wrong, but that he felt that we would end up in the OR either way. I was devastated and could see the fear on Paul's face. I couldn't imagine pushing for two more hours and felt that it wasn't worth putting the baby and I through that much stress. At 10:37pm I told the doctor I was ready for the c-section. I had no epidural left and no strength either.
From there, everything was put into high gear. I was outfitted with a surgical cap and Paul was handed scrubs and told to move our stuff to the waiting room with our parents. I kissed him through tears and was told he would meet me in there. I was scared. So, so scared.
I have never had any type of surgery besides wisdom teeth and had never even stayed in a hospital before. This was all so new to me and I really didn't know what to expect. Meanwhile, the contractions were becoming unbearable. I was crying, trying to breathe through
them and saying, "Oh God, oh God" with every one. They kept getting worse and worse. I was
told I would be getting a spinal in the OR and to hang in there. A new nurse wheeled me down the hall as I cried and breathed through the contractions, which were probably about 1-2 minutes apart. I was transferred onto the operating table and stayed sitting up in preparation for my spinal. A nurse held my hand and rubbed my back as I cried through more contractions for what seemed like years. I watched as the the nurses prepare all of the surgical stuff and wondered where the doctor was. I was then told that I would not get my spinal until just before the surgery since my epidural had been wearing off so quickly. I think this was around 11pm. The pain was unbelievable.
Part III coming up. This is the best part. I promise!
I am typing with one hand. Holding baby with other.
Completely soaked from tubby-time since Mason shit all over himself.
Only half done with my lunch.
Look like hell with dried tears on my face from yet another hormonal breakdown.
Still haven't got to write part II of birth story. Soon.
BUT...so in love.
Completely soaked from tubby-time since Mason shit all over himself.
Only half done with my lunch.
Look like hell with dried tears on my face from yet another hormonal breakdown.
Still haven't got to write part II of birth story. Soon.
BUT...so in love.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Birth Story Part I
We left our house around 2:30pm on Tuesday, September 2nd to check into the hospital for my scheduled induction. The last song we heard in the car was Prince's 1999. I made sure that Paul documented this for Colleen's sake!I went into the hospital to check in while Paul parked and was take to my room (2103) in the perinatal ward right away. This would be my home until I was ready to start Pitocin on Wednesday. Paul finally found me and I settled into bed, very pregnant and very ready to get the party started.
Our first nurse, Julie, came to see me immediately and get all of the paperwork out of the way. Around 3:45pm, Julie started my IV which was a huge MASSACRE! I have rolling veins so the first attempt was unsuccessful and she tried the top of my hand instead. She got the IV started all right, and blood gushed all over the bed, thankfully onto a towel. What a mess! Paul and I hung out for a little bit after that and started singing Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" to the beat of Mason's heartbeat on the monitors. One wonderful thing about the whole process was that Mason's heart rate never dipped, there was never a flurry of nurses running in my room tell me to roll over or anything. He is so strong!
At 4:30 I took my first official in-hospital potty break. Paul made sure to document this! At 4:32pm, a resident came in to do a quick bedside ultrasound to make sure that Mason was still head down and it was safe to start the cervix-thinning Cervadil.I asked if he could tell how big the head was. He told me it took up the whole screen. Ha. Ha. We were good to go and the Cervadil was inserted. It was to stay in there for 12 hours. No turning back now! Paul informs me that there was no turning back 9 months ago. God is he smart! We attempted the hospital crossword puzzle around 4:45pm, but it proved to be too difficult. What was it I was just saying about Paul being smart? Kidding. My parents arrived around 5:05pm to hang out with us
and provide some entertainment. Since I was on the Cervadil, I wasn't allowed food, just clear liquids. The nurse recommended that I order a Popsicle, and being that I had GD I jumped at the chance for that yummy goodness around 5:40pm. We received our first phone call around 6:22pm...wrong number. My damn Popsicle finally came at 6:40pm and was a melted mess. I proceeded to drop it on my gown, the bed, and all over my arm. What a sticky mess. Paul's sisters, niece and parents arrived around 7:20pm. Party in my room!
Nighttime was fun, the helipad was right outside our window and there was a flight that landed in the middle of the night. SO loud.All of the hospital computer systems rebooted twice during the night as well. You can imagine all of the beeping and booting up that ensued. Once 4:30am rolled around, another resident came in to check me and make sure the Cervadil was working enough to send me to Labor and Delivery for the Pitocin. They told us that if I wasn't dilated any more and that if my cervix was still firm, there was a possibility that another round of Cervadil would be needed. That meant another 12 hours of waiting. Luckily, I had progressed nicely and the Cervadil was taken out. They told us to gather our things and I jumped in the wheel chair and was wheeled to Labor and Delivery room 9.
To be Continued...
Our first nurse, Julie, came to see me immediately and get all of the paperwork out of the way. Around 3:45pm, Julie started my IV which was a huge MASSACRE! I have rolling veins so the first attempt was unsuccessful and she tried the top of my hand instead. She got the IV started all right, and blood gushed all over the bed, thankfully onto a towel. What a mess! Paul and I hung out for a little bit after that and started singing Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" to the beat of Mason's heartbeat on the monitors. One wonderful thing about the whole process was that Mason's heart rate never dipped, there was never a flurry of nurses running in my room tell me to roll over or anything. He is so strong!
At 4:30 I took my first official in-hospital potty break. Paul made sure to document this! At 4:32pm, a resident came in to do a quick bedside ultrasound to make sure that Mason was still head down and it was safe to start the cervix-thinning Cervadil.I asked if he could tell how big the head was. He told me it took up the whole screen. Ha. Ha. We were good to go and the Cervadil was inserted. It was to stay in there for 12 hours. No turning back now! Paul informs me that there was no turning back 9 months ago. God is he smart! We attempted the hospital crossword puzzle around 4:45pm, but it proved to be too difficult. What was it I was just saying about Paul being smart? Kidding. My parents arrived around 5:05pm to hang out with us
and provide some entertainment. Since I was on the Cervadil, I wasn't allowed food, just clear liquids. The nurse recommended that I order a Popsicle, and being that I had GD I jumped at the chance for that yummy goodness around 5:40pm. We received our first phone call around 6:22pm...wrong number. My damn Popsicle finally came at 6:40pm and was a melted mess. I proceeded to drop it on my gown, the bed, and all over my arm. What a sticky mess. Paul's sisters, niece and parents arrived around 7:20pm. Party in my room!
Nighttime was fun, the helipad was right outside our window and there was a flight that landed in the middle of the night. SO loud.All of the hospital computer systems rebooted twice during the night as well. You can imagine all of the beeping and booting up that ensued. Once 4:30am rolled around, another resident came in to check me and make sure the Cervadil was working enough to send me to Labor and Delivery for the Pitocin. They told us that if I wasn't dilated any more and that if my cervix was still firm, there was a possibility that another round of Cervadil would be needed. That meant another 12 hours of waiting. Luckily, I had progressed nicely and the Cervadil was taken out. They told us to gather our things and I jumped in the wheel chair and was wheeled to Labor and Delivery room 9.
To be Continued...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's Coming!
I am definitely going to try and get part one of the birth story done today. My mom is here to help out so that is freeing up a little time. I am definitely itching to get outside and go places, but I am still healing. Maybe this weekend. Mason is wonderful and does not like nighttime. Daytime is a breeze and he is on a great day schedule. We have to work on night, but I think we have it figured out. More on that later.
I am so in love with him and could stare at him all day long. Of course I would end up smelly and incredibly unattractive from not showering so I can't do that. Hang in there internets! Until then, enjoy these pictures!
I am so in love with him and could stare at him all day long. Of course I would end up smelly and incredibly unattractive from not showering so I can't do that. Hang in there internets! Until then, enjoy these pictures!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Who is THIS?

I'll give you a hint. It's NOT Mason. That's right people, it's Paul circa 1977. Scary, huh? Mason did give us a big ol' gas/milk drunk grin today and guess what? He has my smile. That's something!
We are finally starting to get into the swing of things so I anticipate a little time to write a birth story soon. Sorry to make you wait. Hope everyone is well! Oh, and I will upload some photos of the big guy soon too.
First pediatrician appointment: 7lbs, 20 inches and a 35cm noggin. Jaundice is clear and he is perfect!
We are finally starting to get into the swing of things so I anticipate a little time to write a birth story soon. Sorry to make you wait. Hope everyone is well! Oh, and I will upload some photos of the big guy soon too.
First pediatrician appointment: 7lbs, 20 inches and a 35cm noggin. Jaundice is clear and he is perfect!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Why Hello There!
Just got a chance to read everything and I must say that Colleen did a magnificent job, didn't she? Round of applause please! I will be sitting down to write my very long, very eventful birth story and share more pictures soon, but for now we are home and settling in. Mason is doing great and my nipples aren't, but what are you going to to do? The kid's a breast man. Thank you all for you thoughts and prayers and alllll of the comments! I loved reading them!
A HUGE thanks to Colleen, you will never know how much I appreciate this. Stay tuned internets, it is all just beginning!! Love you all!
A HUGE thanks to Colleen, you will never know how much I appreciate this. Stay tuned internets, it is all just beginning!! Love you all!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
BL Watch: Day 3
The last I heard, Tiff was dilated 9 cm.
2:34 A.M. : Woke up to pee. Checked phone, no messages.
5:00 A.M. : Woke up. Peed. Checked phone, no messages.
7:00 A.M. : Still no updates. I hope for Tiff's health and her vagina, that Mason is here. Yesterday was a long day for their family. I am sure everything is fine and they are all resting comfortably.
7:38 A.M. : Tiff's blog had 378 hits yesterday!
9:04 A.M. : MASON IS HERE!!!! Just spoke with Granny Weaver. Tiff tried so hard to have that baby naturally, but ended up having to have C- Section last night due to some pelvic size issue. I will let her tell you the story though. Mason made his debut at 11:50 P.M. on September 3, 2008 weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs. 6 oz. (Granny couldn't remember the length). The Little Guy is said to have a beautiful complexion, Tiff's lips and Paul's hands! Congratulations Lucs!
9:14 A.M. : Received mass confirmation text from Paul saying, "Mason Theodore Luc, 7 lbs., 6 oz. 9/03/08 11:50 PM"
9:18 A.M. : Sorry, forgot to mention... Tiff & Mason are doing well!
9:29 A.M. : Anyone else notice that Mason made his appearance just in time for the start of football season?
12:17 P.M. : Went to Abuelo's for lunch. Thought of Tiff because she would probably enjoy it.
4:21 P.M. : I am about to head home for the evening. If I hear anything new or receive the pictures, I will have them posted A.S.A.P. So no more hate mail.
-- Colleen
2:34 A.M. : Woke up to pee. Checked phone, no messages.
5:00 A.M. : Woke up. Peed. Checked phone, no messages.
7:00 A.M. : Still no updates. I hope for Tiff's health and her vagina, that Mason is here. Yesterday was a long day for their family. I am sure everything is fine and they are all resting comfortably.
7:38 A.M. : Tiff's blog had 378 hits yesterday!
9:04 A.M. : MASON IS HERE!!!! Just spoke with Granny Weaver. Tiff tried so hard to have that baby naturally, but ended up having to have C- Section last night due to some pelvic size issue. I will let her tell you the story though. Mason made his debut at 11:50 P.M. on September 3, 2008 weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs. 6 oz. (Granny couldn't remember the length). The Little Guy is said to have a beautiful complexion, Tiff's lips and Paul's hands! Congratulations Lucs!
9:14 A.M. : Received mass confirmation text from Paul saying, "Mason Theodore Luc, 7 lbs., 6 oz. 9/03/08 11:50 PM"
9:18 A.M. : Sorry, forgot to mention... Tiff & Mason are doing well!
9:29 A.M. : Anyone else notice that Mason made his appearance just in time for the start of football season?
12:17 P.M. : Went to Abuelo's for lunch. Thought of Tiff because she would probably enjoy it.
4:21 P.M. : I am about to head home for the evening. If I hear anything new or receive the pictures, I will have them posted A.S.A.P. So no more hate mail.
-- Colleen
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
BL Watch: Day 2
I know many of you are wondering what is going on.
I wish I knew too. Don't worry, once I do have an update, I will be here in a matter of seconds to fill you all in.
9:23 A.M. : No news yet.
9:31 A.M. : Granny Weaver (Tiff's Mom) must have channeled the InterWebs, because she just called me. The Cervidil did its job last night and the removed it this morning. The last time Granny Weav spoke to Paul at 7:00 A.M., Tiff was dilated 1.5 cm. Looks like it will be some time yet.
9:44 A.M. : A collective sigh of relief from the InterWebs.
11:17 A.M. : Ate my lunch (Lean Cuisine roasted potatoes, broccoli & cheddar cheese sauce... Not bad, yet not filling) wondering if Tiff got to watch the new 90210 last night...Or at least remembered to DVR it. Make note to save it on my DVR just in case.
12:14 P.M.: ::Reads Laura's comment:: Throw me a friggin' bone here. I feel as though we (as in me AND the InterWebs) are in one, big waiting room currently. Maybe you should all have words with Miss Tiff when she returns as to why she left her cell phone at home as she was going to check into the hospital to have a baby. Our only saving grace is that Granny Weav stayed at Casa de Luc last night and saw Tiff's phone sitting on the table. Thoughtfully, she opened it up and saw my missed call and called me.
1:15 P.M.: As we’re sitting here twiddling our thumbs waiting for any sort of update. This is what I imagine is going on in Tiffany’s pre-delivery room.
Tiffany: “God, Paul this effing hurts.”
Paul: “Really?”
Tiffany: “For real. It’s like pushing a ham out of my ass.”
Paul: “Oh come on, it can’t hurt that bad.”
Tiffany: “Are you kidding me?”
Paul: “Yeah, it’s not like you are getting tackled by Mean Joe Green.”
Tiffany: “Get out.”
Actually, I am sure none of this is happening as Paul is great guy. Alas, I thought it was funny to use some football terminology for Paul’s sake. 'Til the next time...
2:33 P.M. : Have you ever watched paint dry?
3:38 P.M. : I have to leave for a doctor's appointment. Most certainly, this will be when I receive the announcement phone call. Don't fret, I will be updating via the mobile if the call comes in. You will just have to excuse any typos.
7:00 P.M. : Gah, note to self...BlackBerry is not friends with Blogger. I do apologize for my absence, but I do have a minor update. Granny Weaver did in fact call while I was on my way to the doctor. They broke Tiff's water around 3:00 P.M. and by 4:00 P.M. (when I spoke to Granny Weaver) she was at about 4 cm. Our girl Tiff is looking good and has even gotten some naps in. Stay tuned.....
8:07 P.M. : 9 CENTIMETERS, PEOPLE, 9 CENTIMETERS!!. Just received another call from Granny Weaver and BL is just taking his little 'ol time. Tiff did receive her epidural earlier and is feeling ok. Some minor heartburn due to Mason pushing against her esophagus. Who knew that he would need map! Paul has been quoted as saying, "She's [Tiff] my hero." I told Mrs. Weaver that perhaps once Tiff gets to 10 cm, Mason will dance right out. Mrs. Weaver agreed and said, "He'll be playing Guitar Hero!"
10:30 P.M. : I fell aseep.
I wish I knew too. Don't worry, once I do have an update, I will be here in a matter of seconds to fill you all in.
9:23 A.M. : No news yet.
9:31 A.M. : Granny Weaver (Tiff's Mom) must have channeled the InterWebs, because she just called me. The Cervidil did its job last night and the removed it this morning. The last time Granny Weav spoke to Paul at 7:00 A.M., Tiff was dilated 1.5 cm. Looks like it will be some time yet.
9:44 A.M. : A collective sigh of relief from the InterWebs.
11:17 A.M. : Ate my lunch (Lean Cuisine roasted potatoes, broccoli & cheddar cheese sauce... Not bad, yet not filling) wondering if Tiff got to watch the new 90210 last night...Or at least remembered to DVR it. Make note to save it on my DVR just in case.
12:14 P.M.: ::Reads Laura's comment:: Throw me a friggin' bone here. I feel as though we (as in me AND the InterWebs) are in one, big waiting room currently. Maybe you should all have words with Miss Tiff when she returns as to why she left her cell phone at home as she was going to check into the hospital to have a baby. Our only saving grace is that Granny Weav stayed at Casa de Luc last night and saw Tiff's phone sitting on the table. Thoughtfully, she opened it up and saw my missed call and called me.
1:15 P.M.: As we’re sitting here twiddling our thumbs waiting for any sort of update. This is what I imagine is going on in Tiffany’s pre-delivery room.
Tiffany: “God, Paul this effing hurts.”
Paul: “Really?”
Tiffany: “For real. It’s like pushing a ham out of my ass.”
Paul: “Oh come on, it can’t hurt that bad.”
Tiffany: “Are you kidding me?”
Paul: “Yeah, it’s not like you are getting tackled by Mean Joe Green.”
Tiffany: “Get out.”
Actually, I am sure none of this is happening as Paul is great guy. Alas, I thought it was funny to use some football terminology for Paul’s sake. 'Til the next time...
2:33 P.M. : Have you ever watched paint dry?
3:38 P.M. : I have to leave for a doctor's appointment. Most certainly, this will be when I receive the announcement phone call. Don't fret, I will be updating via the mobile if the call comes in. You will just have to excuse any typos.
7:00 P.M. : Gah, note to self...BlackBerry is not friends with Blogger. I do apologize for my absence, but I do have a minor update. Granny Weaver did in fact call while I was on my way to the doctor. They broke Tiff's water around 3:00 P.M. and by 4:00 P.M. (when I spoke to Granny Weaver) she was at about 4 cm. Our girl Tiff is looking good and has even gotten some naps in. Stay tuned.....
8:07 P.M. : 9 CENTIMETERS, PEOPLE, 9 CENTIMETERS!!. Just received another call from Granny Weaver and BL is just taking his little 'ol time. Tiff did receive her epidural earlier and is feeling ok. Some minor heartburn due to Mason pushing against her esophagus. Who knew that he would need map! Paul has been quoted as saying, "She's [Tiff] my hero." I told Mrs. Weaver that perhaps once Tiff gets to 10 cm, Mason will dance right out. Mrs. Weaver agreed and said, "He'll be playing Guitar Hero!"
10:30 P.M. : I fell aseep.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Keep it Classy Ohio
Hi Baby Luc Followers, my name is Colleen and I am coming to you live via the Internet! For the up to the minute updates about Tiff, Paul and Mason, check back here periodically. Once I get news, you will get news. Easy as that, right?
Since the Lucs are currently in transit to the hospital, I thought I would start it off kind of slow and remind everyone about the Guessing Pool to your right, fill it out if you haven’t! As of today the following participants did not win the birth date portion of the pool (and let me just say that it’s funny that BL’s parents already lost?):
Tiffany the Mom guessed August 31st
Granny Weav guessed August 29th.
Paul the Dad guessed August 28th.
Arianna from Bowling Green guessed September 1st.
Lindsay from Dover guessed August 26th.
Laura from Garrettsville guessed August 28th.
Tiffany from New Port Richney guessed TODAY, but at 12:24 A.M.
Natalie from Akron guessed August 31st.
Don’t fret though, there is always the height and weight guesses…
That means thatI, all of us still have a chance! Although, if I were to win, I doubt Tiff would not be too pleased if she was in labor for three days. Looks as though it will be a tight race with Aliesha, Kristen and Grandma Luc for the chosen date! You could cut the tension with a knife!
Now, as we all sit here and strum our fingers and try to patiently wait for updates, how about we all take a stroll down BL Memory Lane and read Tiff’s Very First Post?!?!?
Since the Lucs are currently in transit to the hospital, I thought I would start it off kind of slow and remind everyone about the Guessing Pool to your right, fill it out if you haven’t! As of today the following participants did not win the birth date portion of the pool (and let me just say that it’s funny that BL’s parents already lost?):
Tiffany the Mom guessed August 31st
Granny Weav guessed August 29th.
Paul the Dad guessed August 28th.
Arianna from Bowling Green guessed September 1st.
Lindsay from Dover guessed August 26th.
Laura from Garrettsville guessed August 28th.
Tiffany from New Port Richney guessed TODAY, but at 12:24 A.M.
Natalie from Akron guessed August 31st.
Don’t fret though, there is always the height and weight guesses…
That means that
Now, as we all sit here and strum our fingers and try to patiently wait for updates, how about we all take a stroll down BL Memory Lane and read Tiff’s Very First Post?!?!?
Dear Mason,
39w 5d
Dear Mason,
I wanted to make sure I wrote you one last time while you are still an inside-baby. I forget things a lot and I want to have some sort of record to remember what your dad and I did right before you came. I also want to tell you about a couple things that are going on in the world right now so that maybe, just maybe someday you can read this and feel a little more informed. One thing that my mom always tells me about is how her and my dad ate at Pizza Hut the night before she went into the hospital. I love that.
So here is a run-down of what has been going on around here this past weekend:
-We painted the kitchen and got all new light fixtures. This took much of Saturday and Monday to complete. I think you'll like it.
-I cleaned a lot.
-I gave myself a manicure yesterday for a couple reasons: I will soon be able to wear my wedding rings again and I know that my hands will be in a lot of pictures when I get to finally hold you. I also made sure my eyebrows looked nice.
-We went swimming at Goga and Papa's one last time for the summer.
-I watched a lot of How It's Made and Dirty Jobs. Get used to it!
-Your dad mowed the grass and edged. It looks really nice.
-Your dad and I held hands and said "I love you" a lot. But this is nothing new.
-I made sure all of your clothes and blankets were washed and put away (they have been for months now).
-I re-organized the pantry, because if you are anything like us, and I am sure you will be, you will appreciate the tidiness of your canned goods.
-Last night for dinner we had Arby's. This is totally uncommon for us because we rarely eat fast food, but for some reason it sounded soooo good. I got the Beef N' Cheddar and some curly fries.
-We were up until 2am because I was having contractions anywhere from 7-15 minutes apart for about an hour and half. I didn't think this was very funny, especially since I had to watch Carson Daly to keep me occupied. They eventually stopped and I slept until 7:45 this morning.
-This morning for breakfast we made scrambled eggs and toast. When we finished, I asked your dad if he enjoyed himself because I am not sure when that will happen again. I skipped the Tobasco for obvious reasons.
-We watched the Today show like we normally do around breakfast time.
-Al Roker appeared live from New Orleans where hurricane Gustav just blew through. Thankfully this time it was not quite as bad as 3 years ago with Katrina.
-The Republican National Convention is this week. John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is proving to be quite the controversial subject. Not that we care.
-NFL football starts Thursday. You'll learn soon enough how important this is.
Around 2:30pm we are leaving for the hospital. I really just can't believe that you are going to be here soon! We have all waited so long to see you and we love you so much already. I can't wait to teach you things and watch you grow. You are already so special to us and we will always be here for you whenever you need us. If I don't get to tell you tomorrow, Happy Birthday sweet boy.
Oh, and this is what your mommy and daddy looked like before we left the house today (Chubby. Me, not your dad):
Take it away, Colleen!!
Dear Mason,
I wanted to make sure I wrote you one last time while you are still an inside-baby. I forget things a lot and I want to have some sort of record to remember what your dad and I did right before you came. I also want to tell you about a couple things that are going on in the world right now so that maybe, just maybe someday you can read this and feel a little more informed. One thing that my mom always tells me about is how her and my dad ate at Pizza Hut the night before she went into the hospital. I love that.
So here is a run-down of what has been going on around here this past weekend:
-We painted the kitchen and got all new light fixtures. This took much of Saturday and Monday to complete. I think you'll like it.
-I cleaned a lot.
-I gave myself a manicure yesterday for a couple reasons: I will soon be able to wear my wedding rings again and I know that my hands will be in a lot of pictures when I get to finally hold you. I also made sure my eyebrows looked nice.
-We went swimming at Goga and Papa's one last time for the summer.
-I watched a lot of How It's Made and Dirty Jobs. Get used to it!
-Your dad mowed the grass and edged. It looks really nice.
-Your dad and I held hands and said "I love you" a lot. But this is nothing new.
-I made sure all of your clothes and blankets were washed and put away (they have been for months now).
-I re-organized the pantry, because if you are anything like us, and I am sure you will be, you will appreciate the tidiness of your canned goods.
-Last night for dinner we had Arby's. This is totally uncommon for us because we rarely eat fast food, but for some reason it sounded soooo good. I got the Beef N' Cheddar and some curly fries.
-We were up until 2am because I was having contractions anywhere from 7-15 minutes apart for about an hour and half. I didn't think this was very funny, especially since I had to watch Carson Daly to keep me occupied. They eventually stopped and I slept until 7:45 this morning.
-This morning for breakfast we made scrambled eggs and toast. When we finished, I asked your dad if he enjoyed himself because I am not sure when that will happen again. I skipped the Tobasco for obvious reasons.
-We watched the Today show like we normally do around breakfast time.
-Al Roker appeared live from New Orleans where hurricane Gustav just blew through. Thankfully this time it was not quite as bad as 3 years ago with Katrina.
-The Republican National Convention is this week. John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, is proving to be quite the controversial subject. Not that we care.
-NFL football starts Thursday. You'll learn soon enough how important this is.
Around 2:30pm we are leaving for the hospital. I really just can't believe that you are going to be here soon! We have all waited so long to see you and we love you so much already. I can't wait to teach you things and watch you grow. You are already so special to us and we will always be here for you whenever you need us. If I don't get to tell you tomorrow, Happy Birthday sweet boy.
Oh, and this is what your mommy and daddy looked like before we left the house today (Chubby. Me, not your dad):
Take it away, Colleen!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
MY Labor Day.
39w 1d
Do I need to write any more? Fine. I hear your moans and groans.
There was almost a massacre here at the Luc household when they sent me home from the doctor with no induction date and no time because there was "no room at the Inn" on Tuesday. I waited an hour for the receptionist to call back and was relieved that they DID have room for me that afternoon. The hospital thought they were asking for a morning induction. Minor heart attack.
All of this sounded too familiar since the SAME THING happened to my poor mother with me. I was a breech baby, born 16 days late because there was no room. And I thought waiting until 2 days before my due date was bad!
Oh and the receptionist, while on the phone with the hospital, started asking me why I was being induced because she couldn't read the doc's handwriting and I answered with, "I don't know!". Yeah, that probably didn't help either. It's because of my gestational diabetes, by the way.
So all is good. BL is being evicted next week! Holy shitballs. I just emailed Colleen with the drop-off spot where she will have to exchange her egg for the info to guest write all the happenings on this here bloggy. 90210 fans? Anyone? Stay tuned my dear readers, the end is near. Or is it just the beginning? Mwhahaha.
Enjoy your Labor Day. Mine officially begins Tuesday.
Do I need to write any more? Fine. I hear your moans and groans.
There was almost a massacre here at the Luc household when they sent me home from the doctor with no induction date and no time because there was "no room at the Inn" on Tuesday. I waited an hour for the receptionist to call back and was relieved that they DID have room for me that afternoon. The hospital thought they were asking for a morning induction. Minor heart attack.
All of this sounded too familiar since the SAME THING happened to my poor mother with me. I was a breech baby, born 16 days late because there was no room. And I thought waiting until 2 days before my due date was bad!
Oh and the receptionist, while on the phone with the hospital, started asking me why I was being induced because she couldn't read the doc's handwriting and I answered with, "I don't know!". Yeah, that probably didn't help either. It's because of my gestational diabetes, by the way.
So all is good. BL is being evicted next week! Holy shitballs. I just emailed Colleen with the drop-off spot where she will have to exchange her egg for the info to guest write all the happenings on this here bloggy. 90210 fans? Anyone? Stay tuned my dear readers, the end is near. Or is it just the beginning? Mwhahaha.
Enjoy your Labor Day. Mine officially begins Tuesday.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dear Baby - 39 Weeks
Dear Baby,
Well here we are. This may very well be the last time I write to you as an inside-baby. With an induction looming for next week, it is hard for me to grasp that I will FINALLY get to hold you and look at you. Right now I feel as though I will always be pregnant. I peek in your room and feel like it will always look like that - nice and neat, everything in it's place with the same sheets in the crib because you will never come out, never get a chance to mess it up! I know I am SO wrong, but this has been both the longest and shortest ten months of my life! I feel like it was yesterday that it was December 26th and I was trying to breathe as I watched a pink line appear on the pregnancy test. So unexpected, yet so welcomed.
Your dad and I are as ready as we are ever going to be, and the stars all seem to be aligning for your arrival. Everyone is anxiously awaiting for you to make your entrance whether you decide to come on your own in the next 5 days, or we have to go in and get you. I would much rather you come on your own, but as we have all learned already, you are a strong force.
I promise you that it is way more fun on the outside. So PLEASE, pretty pretty please, I am begging you. COME OUT! Our bag is packed, the car seat it ready to go, your dad is feeling much better, GPS systems have been programmed for the hospital and as hard as it is, I have been shaving my legs almost every day!
I would normally say that you have one week until your due date here, but the doctor and I, we have different plans for you little nugget. 5 more days.
Dear Baby,
Well here we are. This may very well be the last time I write to you as an inside-baby. With an induction looming for next week, it is hard for me to grasp that I will FINALLY get to hold you and look at you. Right now I feel as though I will always be pregnant. I peek in your room and feel like it will always look like that - nice and neat, everything in it's place with the same sheets in the crib because you will never come out, never get a chance to mess it up! I know I am SO wrong, but this has been both the longest and shortest ten months of my life! I feel like it was yesterday that it was December 26th and I was trying to breathe as I watched a pink line appear on the pregnancy test. So unexpected, yet so welcomed.
Your dad and I are as ready as we are ever going to be, and the stars all seem to be aligning for your arrival. Everyone is anxiously awaiting for you to make your entrance whether you decide to come on your own in the next 5 days, or we have to go in and get you. I would much rather you come on your own, but as we have all learned already, you are a strong force.
I promise you that it is way more fun on the outside. So PLEASE, pretty pretty please, I am begging you. COME OUT! Our bag is packed, the car seat it ready to go, your dad is feeling much better, GPS systems have been programmed for the hospital and as hard as it is, I have been shaving my legs almost every day!
I would normally say that you have one week until your due date here, but the doctor and I, we have different plans for you little nugget. 5 more days.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
38w 6d
I won AGAIN! I am seriously flattered that I was given an award for the second time in two weeks!
My first award came from the Monogram Chick. If you have never visited her blog, you are SERIOUSLY missing out. I mean it. I want everything on there and was lucky enough to actually receive a couple items as a gift from Colleen at my baby shower. Speaking of the devil (I keed), that's where my second award came from! Colleen has been my cyber and real life friend for well over a year now. We actually got married on the same day, pretty much chat every single day AND she will be guest-blogging on here when this baby finally decides to come out. Last but not least, she used a blog to help her successfully quit smoking. If you haven't read the journey from the beginning, I suggest you do!
Now onto my noms:
My first award goes out to Erin at Baby Fat. I have also known Erin for over a year now and she is one of the sweetest people ever. She also sometimes tries to give away boxes of condoms on her blog. Hilarious!
Next up is Angie at Seven Clown Circus. I got to know Angie's blog through SITS, which I have been neglecting my duties at recently (bad me). She has some of the cutest kids I have ever seen and is seriously one of the nicest cyber-people I have ever "met". You should definitely check her blog out if you have time!
Even though she will probably never see this, my next nod goes to Suz at Steece's Pieces. I forget how I came across her blog, but she is a QUAD MOM. Need I say more? I will. Her babies just turned one and they are so adorable. I love reading about their life and love going back in her blog and reading about her pregnancy! Fascinating!
Next is Andrea over at Are You Listening? I first met Andrea through the Knot I believe, and continued to "run into" her in cyber-land. She is recently pregnant, so if I haven't made you sick of reading about babies, head over there to witness another baby in the making!
Last but certainly not least is Baby Rabies, another one that will probably never see this as she is one of those people who I classify of as more of a "professional blogger". She has an ACTUAL URL and ads and shit. Anywho, she is hilarious and you are missing out if you don't read. Trust.
Okay, so for the bloggers who DO see this and want to share the cyber-love, here are the rules:
1. Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2. Add the link of the blogger who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. Add those 5 links to your post.
5. Leave a message for your winners on their blogs.
Hope you all had a great hump day! I tried to walk BL out again, but so far to no avail. Less than a week to go!
I won AGAIN! I am seriously flattered that I was given an award for the second time in two weeks!
My first award came from the Monogram Chick. If you have never visited her blog, you are SERIOUSLY missing out. I mean it. I want everything on there and was lucky enough to actually receive a couple items as a gift from Colleen at my baby shower. Speaking of the devil (I keed), that's where my second award came from! Colleen has been my cyber and real life friend for well over a year now. We actually got married on the same day, pretty much chat every single day AND she will be guest-blogging on here when this baby finally decides to come out. Last but not least, she used a blog to help her successfully quit smoking. If you haven't read the journey from the beginning, I suggest you do!
Now onto my noms:
My first award goes out to Erin at Baby Fat. I have also known Erin for over a year now and she is one of the sweetest people ever. She also sometimes tries to give away boxes of condoms on her blog. Hilarious!
Next up is Angie at Seven Clown Circus. I got to know Angie's blog through SITS, which I have been neglecting my duties at recently (bad me). She has some of the cutest kids I have ever seen and is seriously one of the nicest cyber-people I have ever "met". You should definitely check her blog out if you have time!
Even though she will probably never see this, my next nod goes to Suz at Steece's Pieces. I forget how I came across her blog, but she is a QUAD MOM. Need I say more? I will. Her babies just turned one and they are so adorable. I love reading about their life and love going back in her blog and reading about her pregnancy! Fascinating!
Next is Andrea over at Are You Listening? I first met Andrea through the Knot I believe, and continued to "run into" her in cyber-land. She is recently pregnant, so if I haven't made you sick of reading about babies, head over there to witness another baby in the making!
Last but certainly not least is Baby Rabies, another one that will probably never see this as she is one of those people who I classify of as more of a "professional blogger". She has an ACTUAL URL and ads and shit. Anywho, she is hilarious and you are missing out if you don't read. Trust.
Okay, so for the bloggers who DO see this and want to share the cyber-love, here are the rules:
1. Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2. Add the link of the blogger who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. Add those 5 links to your post.
5. Leave a message for your winners on their blogs.
Hope you all had a great hump day! I tried to walk BL out again, but so far to no avail. Less than a week to go!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It's up to you.
38w 5d

Red wine, such a tease.
Today's post brought to you by Natural Way to Induce Labor No. 95: Red, Red Wine

Red wine, such a tease.
I finished BL's room yesterday FINALLY and I love how it looks now. I just felt like it was missing something and the vinyl wall art was just what it needed! I put them up all by myself and although kind of a pain in the ass, it wasn't too bad. I think that not being able to get close to the wall because of THE BELLAH made things pretty difficult. I was for sure bustin' a sweat by the time I was finished.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Lots of news and shout outs!
38w 4d
This weekend went by so fast, which is fine with me, but now I actually feel like I have some things to do to keep me busy! I am finishing BL's room today with some wall decals that I took my sweet time ordering from MichelleChristina's Etsy Shop. I will post pictures when I am done!
In other HUGE news, the Monogram Chick gave me an award! I am so excited as it is my first blogger award. So thank you again, I feel soooo loved!! I will be returning the favor soon to some of my fellow bloggers as soon as I grab a moment to breathe (which is tough these days with a little butt pressing into my ribcage). *I am having some issues getting the award up, I will work on this!*
Another thing I wanted to share was my anniversary present from my wonderful husband (who loves me even more now that we made it through draft day without any labor). A while ago I mentioned how cute I thought these bracelets were from Drama Queen Bows and then I completely forgot about them. Low and behold, he had been saving the link the entire time! I absolutely love it and it makes me smile every time I look down at it. Now if I just had a baby to go with the name!

This weekend went by so fast, which is fine with me, but now I actually feel like I have some things to do to keep me busy! I am finishing BL's room today with some wall decals that I took my sweet time ordering from MichelleChristina's Etsy Shop. I will post pictures when I am done!
In other HUGE news, the Monogram Chick gave me an award! I am so excited as it is my first blogger award. So thank you again, I feel soooo loved!! I will be returning the favor soon to some of my fellow bloggers as soon as I grab a moment to breathe (which is tough these days with a little butt pressing into my ribcage). *I am having some issues getting the award up, I will work on this!*
Another thing I wanted to share was my anniversary present from my wonderful husband (who loves me even more now that we made it through draft day without any labor). A while ago I mentioned how cute I thought these bracelets were from Drama Queen Bows and then I completely forgot about them. Low and behold, he had been saving the link the entire time! I absolutely love it and it makes me smile every time I look down at it. Now if I just had a baby to go with the name!

Last but CERTAINLY not least, a HUGE congrats goes out to faithful readers and real-life friends Dan and Nancy who I *think* had their son this weekend. I received a text Saturday morning that her water FINALLY broke (at 41 weeks!) and she was heading to the hospital. I haven't received the details yet, but I will be doing some super-sleuthing today. CONGRATS guys!! Love you!
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