Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shower 2 Recap

32w 6d

I am a liar. I know.

Last Saturday was my second (and final) shower at my in-laws house. We did two separate showers because Paul comes from a very large family and there is just no way that one shower would work. The day started out beautiful weather-wise and of course turned gloomy fast with downpours right around gift opening time. This forced us to have to move inside and cram 80 people into a small living room instead of spreading everyone out pool-side. I managed to not sweat too much, although there were a couple 'funny' people that made some gifts especially hard for me to open thus causing me to pit-out.

As for the gifts, again, I can only think of one word: generous. I am simply astounded at the generosity people show. BL pretty much has everything he needs and more. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the size of the shower, getting around and at least talking to everyone for a little bit. I know that at our wedding, there were just too many people and too little time to really individually thank people for coming, so I made it a point to do so on Saturday. The food was wonderful, the company was great and I really am so thankful for all of the hard work that was put into the shower.

There was a special 5 pound guest at the shower, fresh from busting out of the hospital and I FINALLY got to hold her. Kendall came out to see her inside-cousin and give him a little pep talk. You know, a chatty-chat about showers and how to handle all the love and belly rubs, and then a little bit at the end about how to come out in 3 pushes and sleep like a little angel pretty much all the time. Yeah, that's what she told him I am sure. Of course when she came through the door, I kind of got shoved out of the way as the masses made their way to see her and everyone was like "what shower?", but I understand - an outside baby is WAY more fun to look at than someone who is obviously smuggling a bowling ball inside their dress:

Thanks for taking pictures Colleen, I hope you know how much I appreciate it!


Jessica said...

cute pic!

Colleen said...

Oooh, oooh, oooh! I am famous! Glad you had a good time despite the downpour at gift time. At least you didn't have to run out in the middle of it because someone left your car window down.

Laura said...

Geez oh man, Colleen. What do I have to do to make that awful soaking up to you? Take you to Coach, to Vegas? LOL!

Thank you so much for having me at your shower! BL is well on his way to being the best dressed baby ever!

mamitasalsita said...

great picture.

Old Meghan said...

you guys look so purdy!! Glad you had a good time!

Amy said...

Aw I'm so glad you had a great day!

And everyone in your photos is so freakin ATTRACTIVE!