Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dear Baby - 10 Weeks


Dear Baby-

I can't believe we are already 25% of the way there! I had my second doctors appointment today and it was short and sweet. Everything looks great with me - perfect blood pressure, zero weight gain. The NP said it was a little early to listen for your heartbeat but she didn't want to make me wait another month to hear it, so I get to go back in two weeks to hear it. That will be a fun week. My NT Scan (genetic screening) is that week as well which is the next time I get to see you! Time has been flying by, so I am sure we will be there in no time!

I would like to think that because you are living inside of me that you pretty tight with my insides. Can you do me a huge favor? Can you ask my immune system to step up it's game a little bit? I have a horrible sore throat today and just feel like crap in general. This comes only 6 weeks after the last time I was sick. What is going on?!
10 week ultrasound (not mine)

Moving on to the important stuff, what's going on with you this week? You have doubled in size the last three weeks! And in the next three, you will do it again. Already an over-achiever! You are also getting ready to take your first dump! Hooo-ray! How exciting. No, really. I think that is so exciting. I am a huge advocate of a healthy dumper and this makes mommy happy that you are starting so young! Lastly, you have already developed defense mechanisms (put em' up little one).

I found out last night that my friend Alieshia is having a boy - see, there IS someone that can take all of the boy clothes off of my hands if you are a girl. Congrats Alieshia!

Hang tight little one, and get nice and cozy, 30 more weeks until we get to meet!

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